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Breast Castor Oil Compress Pack

  • Breast Castor Oil Compress Pack
  • Breast Castor Oil Compress Pack

2 x Soft Organic Flannel Lined Breast Compresses
Oil Resistant Outer

2 x Organic Cotton Compress Pads

2 x Circular Heat Gel packs covered in luxurious velvet

200ml Organic Cold Pressed Hexane Free Castor Oil in glass bottle
Inspired by Barbara O'Neill

Handy clear Zip Up Toiletry Bag

Instructions Included

Increases Blood Circulation
Stimulates Lymphatic Drainage
Breaks down growths, cysts and foreign cells.
Boosts Immune System
Targets Underlying Skin Conditions
Anti Viral
Anti Bacterial

1. Place 2 tbs of oil onto the folded Organic Cotton Pads provided.
2. Allow half hour for the oil to soak into the pad.
3. Place pad onto the breast.
4. Heat the gel disc by laying a hot water bottle on them until the desired warmth.
5. Place heat packs provided into the custom velvet pockets. This will help drive the oil deeper into the body.
5.Place the oil resistant Compress Pads on top and wear a bra to hold all the layers in place.
6. Leave pack on for 1 hour for the first use.
7. If tolerated gradually increase the time each treatment. The treatment is powerful and you should only increase slowly comfortable.

During the process of compress treatments, the body will be detoxing. It is important to drink plenty of water.